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A travel journal enriched with travel stories, tips and photos

A Life Plan

Recently I came across a quote by Professor Joseph Campbell that says:

“We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us

Joseph Campbell

For several days I have been thinking of how much truth is there in it.

Our Dreams

We all were young one day. Our dreams were young too and immature. Still, they were dreams. Some dreams we accomplished along the way while other dreams stayed in their uncertain and abstract state. While we got a bit older, we gained the capacity to plan and redirect our life towards our dreams and aspirations. We started drafting a plan of the life we desire. At some point we became slaves to the plan and forgot about our life. Slowly our dreams faded away. We became no different than a programed robot who is not aware of his existence. That is when a plan becomes toxic.

The Personality Forge

At some age we become blinded. We become delusional and fake. Obscured by things and belongings. Cheated by role models and so-called friends, until we are broken by those we thought we loved. It is a normal process by which our personality gets forged. It is not about where we come from, it is about where we are going. It is not about what we went through, it is about what we learned along the way and what we are going to do about it.  

A Life Plan and a Vision

To me the measurement unit of the quality of life is happiness. Although I believe we are the source of our happiness nevertheless happiness blooms only when it is shared with people we love and care for. Our Life Plan starts when we surround ourselves with the right people and get rid of those who disorient us willingly or unwillingly.

Life begins when we become conscious that we have unlimited potential ready to be tapped into. With the right people around us and with the right mindset we direct our life. Rather than fixating on a short-term dream, we must work on a vision for our life. Our Life Vision is nothing but a basket full of hopes and dream combined with the will to achieve and overcome. By focusing on what matters most to us, during each phase of our life, we choose our path, and we adapt no matter how challenging the circumstances are.

Blessed is the one who wakes up and touches the truth at an early age before it becomes a bit late to catch up with the train of life.

Blessed is the one who drops all what is fake and will not accept anything but the true.

Blessed is the one who becomes aware of his existence and the role that he plays.

Going back to what Joseph Campbell said, I agree that sometimes it is worth dropping your “rigid” plans and let life unfold.

…But beware not to permit the slick habit of drifting aimlessly to slip into our life routine and derail us off course.

4 responses to “A Life Plan”

  1. Claudine Avatar

    You’re so right!! Be fixated on that one dream that we had when we were young might ruin many great ones along the way. Having a goal in life is great, but life is malleable and so should dreams be. We grow, we adapt and why not shifting our dream to mold with our growth and maturity? I tell my kids, nothing is written on stone, be flexible and prepared for change…

  2. Chanta Souaid Avatar

    You taught me that “We must be willing to get rid of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us” long before I knew it was a quote by Joseph Campbell 🙂 Though I have to admit, that was/is very hard for me to do.

    PS: I am grateful to be among your “right people”.

  3. Fadi Mchantaf Avatar

    Sure you are! and at the top of the list 🙂

  4. Fadi Mchantaf Avatar

    @Claudine This is exactly what they should know from a young age.

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